St John's Redhill

Home school link workerCB

At St John’s, we feel very strongly that the best outcomes for young people occur when parents/carers work in partnership with their school.

Our Home School Link Worker is Chloe Beardwell and there are a variety of topics that she can support with to ensure children and families can aim to thrive whilst in our care.

Who can she support?

  • Children who are anxious or withdrawn
  • Parents and carers experiencing difficulties managing their child’s behaviour
  • Parents, carers and children who are experiencing change, such as parental separation or bereavement
  • Parents and carers whose children are not attending school or those experiencing EBSNA (emotionally based school non attendance)
  • Parents and carers who may need support on a wide range of issues impacting on their family life, such as illness, separation, domestic violence, bereavement, housing
  • Carers and/or young carers

How might it help?

  • A chance to talk in a confidential and non-judgemental environment
  • One to one support and advice
  • Parenting guidance on developing and maintaining positive relationships
  • Advice and links to other agencies
  • Therapeutic sessions with children and families
  • Support groups/workshops for parents and carers
  • Advice and guidance on supporting your children at home

She offers a confidential service regarding personal issues. If necessary she would seek your permission to share the information with staff at school or with other agencies if it felt appropriate. 

Should a child protection issue be identified she is legally bound to follow government guidelines.

Should you wish to explore some support available to you first, please see below some helpful links: Surrey Family information service Citizens advice Help and advice for parents of children with SEND Bereavement support Action for Carers and Surrey Young Carers Support with challenges within the family East Surrey Domestic Abuse Service Family Centre offering a range of support and advice A family Support Centre in Redhill Variety of courses on supporting your child’s mental health

If you’d prefer to speak with her directly please email her via e-mail 

OR just pop into the School Office and ask if Chloe is available for a chat. Her working days are Monday-Thursday.